A distanza di tre anni dall’ultima major relase, arriva finalmente VLC 3.0. Il nuovo aggiornamento introduce una cospicua serie di novità, che si traduce in un changelog particolarmente nutrito. Tra queste, è stato aggiunto anche il supporto a Google Chromecast e la decodifica hardware di default per la riproduzione di video 4K e 8K.
VLC 3.0: il nuovo update introduce il supporto a Google Chromecast e altre novità | Changelod
La nuova major release del conosciutissimo lettore multimediale è stata finalmente rilasciata, dopo un’attesa particolarmente sentita. Vetinari – nome in codice di VLC 3.0 – porta con sé tante novità, a cominciare dal supporto a Google Chromecast, una migliore ottimizzazione per il display di iPhone X (necessaria per via del notch) e alcune chicche anche la sua versione Android. Di seguito trovate il changelog completo, che illustra tutte le nuove feature.
Clicca qui per il changelog:
- VLC 3.0 “Vetinari” is a new major update of VLC.
- VLC 3.0 activates hardware decoding by default, to get 4K and 8K playback!
- It supports 10bits and HDR
- VLC supports 360 video and 3D audio, up to Ambisoncics 3rd order
- Allows passthrough for HD audio codecs
- Can stream to Chromecast devices, even in formats not supported natively
- Can play Blu-Ray Java menus: BD-J
- VLC supports browsing of local network drives and NAS
- Network browsing for distant filesystems (SMB, FTP, SFTP, NFS…)
- HDMI passthrough for Audio HD codecs, like E-AC3, TrueHD or DTS-HD
- 12bits codec and extended colorspaces (HDR)
- Stream to distant renderers, like Chromecast
- 360 video and 3D audio playback with viewpoint change
- Support for Ambisonics audio and more than 8 audio channels
- Subtitles size modification live
- Hardware decoding and display on all platforms
- HEVC hardware decoding on Windows, using DxVA2 and D3D11
- HEVC hardware decoding using OMX and MediaCodec (Android)
- MPEG-2, VC1/WMV3 hardware decoding on Android
- Important improvements for the MMAL decoder and output for rPI and rPI2
- New hardware accelerated decoder for OS X and and iOS based on Video Toolbox
- New VA-API decoder and rendering for Linux
- BD-Java menus and overlay in Blu-Ray
- Experimental AV1 video and Daala video decoders
- OggSpots video decoder
- New MPEG-1 & 2 audio layer I, II, III + MPEG 2.5 decoder based on libmpg123
- New BPG decoder based on libbpg
- TDSC, Canopus HQX, Cineform, SpeedHQ, Pixlet, QDMC and FMVC decoders
- TTML subtitles support
- Rewrite of webVTT subtitles support, including CSS style support
- BluRay text subtitles (HDMV) deocoder
- Rework of the MP4 demuxer
- Rework of the TS demuxer
- HD-DVD .evo support
- Rework of the PS demuxer
- Improvements on MKV
Video outputs and filters
- OpenGL as Linux/BSD default video output
- Improvements in OpenGL output: direct displaying and HDR tonemapping
- Rework of the Android video outputs
- New Direct3D11 video output supporting both Windows desktop and WinRT modes
- HDR10 support in Direct3D11 with Windows 10 Fall Creator Update
- Hardware deinterlacing on the rPI, using MMAL
- Video filter to convert between fps rates
- Hardware accelerated deinterlacing/adjust/sharpen/chroma with VA-API; Hardware accelerated adjust/invert/posterize/sepia/sharpen with CoreImage; Hardware accelerated deinterlacing/adjust/chroma with D3D9 and D3D11
Audio outputs and filters
- Complete rewrite of the AudioTrack Android output
- New Tizen audio output
- HDMI/SPDIF pass-through support for WASAPI (AC3/DTS/DTSHD/EAC3/TRUEHD)
- Support EAC3 and TRUEHD pass-through for PulseAudio
- Rework of the AudioUnit modules to share more code between iOS and macOS
- SoX Resampler library audio filter module (converter and resampler)
- Ambisonics audio renderer, supporting up to 3rd order
- Binauralizer audio filter, working with Ambisonics or 5.1/7.1 streams
- Pitch shifting module
OS Versions
- Windows XP ➔ 10 RS3
- macOS 10.7 ➔ 10.13
- iOS 7 ➔ 11
- Android 2.3 ➔ 8.1
- Android TV, Chromebooks with Play Store
- Windows RT 8.1, Windows Phone 8.1
- Windows 10 Mobile, Xbox 1, Windows Store
- GNU/Linux, Ubuntu, *BSD
Android specific
- Chromecast support from your phone
- HEVC hardware decoding using MediaCodec
- Android Auto with voice actions
- Available on all Android TV, Chromebooks & DeX
- Support for Picture-in-Picture
- Playlist files detection
VLC 3.0 è disponibile al download per PC, macOS, iOS e Android
Com’è facilmente intuibile dallo stesso changelog, il nuovo VLC 3.0 è disponibile per molteplici piattaforme. Per effettuare il download per Windows e macOS, ecco la pagina ufficiale della celebre piattaforma video. Di seguito trovate anche i badge per scaricare l’app per dispositivi Android e iOS.